The Power of Five Words


We are living in incredible times. Uncertain. Uncharted. Unexplained. 

 Many of us are experiencing anxiety, fear, and if nothing else, we are disquieted about the future. We have health concerns, job concerns, and everyday life concerns. It is way too easy to dwell on the negative aspects of a world that seems out of control.

 But you have a choice to make. Do you want to hang out in that dark space or do you want to be part of making the world a better place? We can play a part in bringing light to the darkness. Deep down, our hearts long to be involved in something that matters.

 On one hand that is thrilling, but on the other hand, it can be daunting. Truthfully, many of us wake up in the morning wondering how we could ever make a difference. We don’t feel qualified. We don’t feel capable. We don’t know where to begin.

 At Carry 117, we believe strongly that ordinary people can do extraordinary things and we believe in the power of words.  

Because words are incredibly powerful. 

Words can motivate, inspire, and literally change the course of your life and the lives of those around you. 

 While that claim seems bold and grandiose, it’s not only backed by Scripture, it’s backed by neuroscience. Through an amazing mind process, we are able to take a grouping of letters, connect them to a concept and form it into a thought. The thoughts we choose to spend time on literally change the circuits of our brain. 

Imagine driving on a dirt road over and over. After not too long, tire trenches will form in the road. Our thoughts work in much the same way. What we think about the most, reinforces those patterns in our brain circuitry. In the book, Switch On Your Brain, Dr. Carolyn Leaf, a communication pathologist, reports that renewing your mind is done by regularly exercising your brain with positive thoughts and words. 

What we see is what we think. What we think is what we dwell on. What we dwell on compels us to act. Oprah Winfrey puts it this way, “I know for sure that what we dwell on is who we become.” Incredibly, we have the capacity to change our brains by the words we choose to put into our minds!


 Carry 117 has an exciting opportunity for you to change who you are becoming through our brand new Word Challenge Bundles. Each limited-edition Word Bundle includes a keychain, 2 bracelets, a credit card holder, and an accessory tag with one word from the list below imprinted on them. Your chosen word can act as a visual cue to focus your thoughts and mind and actions on your one word as you head into the future.

Your word will inspire you on the mission that God has set before you. As you meditate on your selected word, it will bring intention and direction to your thoughts. Acting as a guide, your word will help your mind begin the process of creating positive change for you, for your community, and for those who are vulnerable and at-risk around the world. 

 Taken directly from Scripture and the heart of God, the core value of Carry 117 is to:

LEARN to do good.

SEEK justice.

HELP the oppressed

DEFEND the cause of orphans. 

FIGHT for the rights of widows.

Isaiah 1:17

So what area do you want to grow in? 

How does God want you to dig deeper? 

Where would you like to intentionally invest your thoughts? 

Take a look at the words below and decide which of these 5 words you’ll take up as your personal challenge in your life, your family, your community, and your world: 



If we’re being honest, most of us get involved with causes in order to DO something. But what if taking the time to learn in order to understand, before even doing anything at all, might be more powerful? We must learn to do good. So what’s one idea, one culture, or one cause you can learn more about? 


We all know what it’s like to look for something. But when you find what you’re looking for? Finding something is a joy. But seeking is the first step. To seek something is more specific and intentional than just wandering. It’s more purposeful than perusing. It’s more urgent than just simply searching. Seeking involves calling and pleading and refusing to give up on what you’re searching for. What are you going to seek out? 



You don’t have to look far to see need in our world. Some are easier to recognize than others. But what do you do when you see those needs? Sometimes it’s overwhelming. Sometimes it’s inconvenient. Sometimes it will cost you something. But we all need help sometimes. And we all need TO help sometimes. Who or what do you want to help? What can you do to help them? 


In a world where attacking is easy, what does it mean to be someone who defends? Whether it’s defending someone who can’t defend themselves, someone who has no defense, or defending when we might be attacked for it ourselves, one of the most powerful things we can do is to step up and defend. The truth is defending someone weaker will always make you stronger. Who is one person, one group, or one cause you can defend?  


We live in a world that is constantly fighting WITH. But the reality is that fighting WITH is ineffective. It’s unproductive. It tears down. Fighting FOR is completely different though. Fighting FOR is effective. It’s productive. It builds up. Fighting FOR matters—because someone out there needs you to be brave with your words, your actions, and your resources to fight FOR them. So who or what is your fight for? What’s your first step in the fight? 

What word will you choose to motivate and inspire you to intentionally pursue a life of purpose?

Join us as we play our part to learn, seek, help, defend, and fight for the cause of at-risk women, families, and orphans in Korah, Ethiopia.



Carry 117